Author: RHAD

  • Food Delivery Services

    Food Delivery Services Food delivery services generally refer to the delivery of cooked food from retail establishments to the consumer upon placement of order. As operators of food delivery services do not carry out any handling, cooking or other forms of processing of food, they currently do not require a licence to operate. However, they…

  • The Sale of Food Online via E-commerce Platforms

    The Sale of Food Online via E-commerce Platforms The sale of food via the Internet through e-commerce platforms, such as online marketplaces, bricks and clicks1, social media platforms and food delivery services, is increasingly prevalent in Singapore. E-commerce platforms2 act as intermediaries between the food sellers3 and customers. As e-commerce platforms do not carry out any handling, cooking…

  • Points Demerit System

    Points Demerit System All licensees and their food handlers have a responsibility to ensure the food sold to the public is clean and wholesome. They must observe good personal and food hygiene at all times. Under Section 99 of the Environmental Public Health Act, a licence may be suspended or cancelled if a licensee violates…